(Yet slaves nevertheless )
Punching clocks after 16 rounds
drenched in blood, sweat, and debt-
on red-eye mornings
sipping comatose tea
with drug-induced delusions
choking on gusto, poison pride, and undead resolve
the puss of the "American dream" seeping through paper-thin skin
...from burrowed-out joints
Staggering from paycheck to paycheck
Chained to the cave of routine
chilled by the warm content of fulfillment
Satiated by provision and survival; Pacified by honor and duty
While the Monopoly man feasts on the bones of their children
living on Boardwalk and passing off the luxury tax
(you're camped on Baltic Ave.- if not in jail)
("Keep your eyes on the prize…")
so anxious for rain they spit on themselves just to feel wet…
baptized in their own disease
pounding on St. Peter's gate with a bluesy rap
binging on crackers and drunk on vinegar
like some brain-dead zombie too tired to re-consider
...crippled by bloody knees and schizophrenia
but the Olympics don't offer the wheel
And always fat cats lurk around dark corners
with top hats, monocles, and Ferraris
sweating with withdrawal; anxious to pounce
But this is not ancient Egypt
and there is more than one way to skin a god
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